
12 February 2016

Bringing People Closer to Nature...

Re ; Bringing People Closer to Nature...

My recent sharing - Bringing People Closer to Nature
Re ; Eco Tourism – Career, Job & Business Opportunities from the Perspective of Bird Photography
Main Organiser - Kelab Pencinta Burung & Alam Rompin Pahang lead by Dato Seri Maznah Mazlan (ADUN Muadzam Shah ) & Pahang Tourism. 
Program officiated by Datuk Hassan Ariffin (MP Rompin)
Date ; 30th - 31st January 2016
Location ; Rompin Beach Resort Rompin Pahang
No of Pax - 240 pax

Endau Rompin National Park - The Land Where the Hornbills' Smile...
more info on Kelab Pencinta Burung & Alam Rompin Pahang
Pic by En Roslan - Pahang Tourism - many thanks

07 February 2016

New Year Collection - Jan 2016 - II

Re: New Year Collection - Jan 2016 - II 

Loc: Malaysia
Date: Jan 2016
Note: Happy Birding ALL......

199 709
++ hits & counting...

 Indian roller (Coracias benghalensis) /
 Burung Tiong Gajah

 Indian roller (Coracias benghalensis) /
 Burung Tiong Gajah
 Chestnut-capped laughingthrush (Garrulax mitratus) 

Malayan laughingthrush (Trochalopteron peninsulae) /

Crimson-breasted flowerpecker (Prionochilus percussus) - Female /
Burung Sepah Puteri Pelangi - Betina

Rufous-browed flycatcher (Anthipes solitaris) 

 Lesser yellownape Woodpecker (Picus chlorolophus) Male /
 Burung Belatok Kecil Tengkuk Kuning Jantan 

Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) /
Burung Pekaka Cit-cit Kecil

Long-tailed sibia (Heterophasia picaoides) /
Burung Sibia ekor panjang

 Pied fantail (Rhipidura javanica)

 Black-throated sunbird. Aethopyga saturata Female /
 Burung Kelicap Gunung - Batina

Arctic warbler (Phylloscopus borealis) 

 Scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus) - female

 Scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus) - male

 Mountain fulvetta (Alcippe peracensis) /
Burung Rimba Murai Gunung

Asian paradise flycatcher
Long-billed spiderhunter (Arachnothera robusta) /
Burung Kelicap Jantung Paruh Panjang

 White-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus)
Black-and-crimson Oriole (Oriolus cruentus) /
Burung Murai Hitam-merah

02 February 2016

New Year Collection - Jan 2016...

Re: New Year Collection - Jan 2016...

Loc: Malaysia
Date: Jan 2016
Note: Happy Birding ALL......

199 606
++ hits & counting...

Crimson-breasted flowerpecker (Prionochilus percussus) - Male /
 Burung Sepah Puteri Pelangi - Jantan

Black-headed bulbul (Pycnonotus atriceps)

 Rufous woodpecker, (Micropternus brachyurus) /
Burung Belatok Biji Nangka

Crimson-breasted flowerpecker (Prionochilus percussus) - Male /
 Burung Sepah Puteri Pelangi - Jantan

Red-eyed Bulbul /
Burung Merbah Mata Merah

Lesser green leafbird (Chloropsis cyanopogon) Male -
Burung Daun Kecil Jantan

Orange-bellied flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma) - Male /
Burung Sepah Puteri Bukit - Jantan

 Scaly-breasted bulbul (Pycnonotus squamatus) /
Burung Merbah Bersisik

Asian fairy-bluebird (Irena puella) Male /
Burung Dendang Gajah Jantan
 Silver-eared Mesia ( Leiothrix argentauris) /
Burung Rimba Telinga Perak 

Black-throated sunbird. Aethopyga saturata Male -
Burung Kelicap Gunung - Jantan

Large Niltava (Niltava grandis) - Female /
Burung Sambar Kumbang Padi - Betina

Fire-tufted barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) -
Burung Takor Api.