
08 November 2016

The NESt - Nurture l Educate l Share l Train

The NESt
Nurture l Educate l Share l Train
About US
The Nature Educational Society (NESt) is an independent and non-political organization. Interest in the formation of the society started after a few social informal gathering which led to its inauguration on 31 October 2016. The NESt aims to nurture, educate, share and train public to significance nature through an art appreciation, exhibition, training and distribution of information.

The NESt also aims to collaborates and assist the government and non-governmental organizations in developing environmental education and training program. The NESt aims to identify and promote products of nature for the purpose of well being and commercial opportunity.
These aims are achieved through programs related to :
1. Interest-to-nature development, 
2. Media & promotion, 
3. General & specific photography based program, and 
4. Leisure, health and business development

The NESt vision is for nature knowledge equity in Malaysia where all people have what they need to know about nature.

Nurturing, Educating, Sharing and Training the nature as subject for Malaysia.

Feel free to join US @ NESt FanClub...just click..

12 February 2016

Bringing People Closer to Nature...

Re ; Bringing People Closer to Nature...

My recent sharing - Bringing People Closer to Nature
Re ; Eco Tourism – Career, Job & Business Opportunities from the Perspective of Bird Photography
Main Organiser - Kelab Pencinta Burung & Alam Rompin Pahang lead by Dato Seri Maznah Mazlan (ADUN Muadzam Shah ) & Pahang Tourism. 
Program officiated by Datuk Hassan Ariffin (MP Rompin)
Date ; 30th - 31st January 2016
Location ; Rompin Beach Resort Rompin Pahang
No of Pax - 240 pax

Endau Rompin National Park - The Land Where the Hornbills' Smile...
more info on Kelab Pencinta Burung & Alam Rompin Pahang
Pic by En Roslan - Pahang Tourism - many thanks

07 February 2016

New Year Collection - Jan 2016 - II

Re: New Year Collection - Jan 2016 - II 

Loc: Malaysia
Date: Jan 2016
Note: Happy Birding ALL......

199 709
++ hits & counting...

 Indian roller (Coracias benghalensis) /
 Burung Tiong Gajah

 Indian roller (Coracias benghalensis) /
 Burung Tiong Gajah
 Chestnut-capped laughingthrush (Garrulax mitratus) 

Malayan laughingthrush (Trochalopteron peninsulae) /

Crimson-breasted flowerpecker (Prionochilus percussus) - Female /
Burung Sepah Puteri Pelangi - Betina

Rufous-browed flycatcher (Anthipes solitaris) 

 Lesser yellownape Woodpecker (Picus chlorolophus) Male /
 Burung Belatok Kecil Tengkuk Kuning Jantan 

Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) /
Burung Pekaka Cit-cit Kecil

Long-tailed sibia (Heterophasia picaoides) /
Burung Sibia ekor panjang

 Pied fantail (Rhipidura javanica)

 Black-throated sunbird. Aethopyga saturata Female /
 Burung Kelicap Gunung - Batina

Arctic warbler (Phylloscopus borealis) 

 Scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus) - female

 Scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus) - male

 Mountain fulvetta (Alcippe peracensis) /
Burung Rimba Murai Gunung

Asian paradise flycatcher
Long-billed spiderhunter (Arachnothera robusta) /
Burung Kelicap Jantung Paruh Panjang

 White-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus)
Black-and-crimson Oriole (Oriolus cruentus) /
Burung Murai Hitam-merah

02 February 2016

New Year Collection - Jan 2016...

Re: New Year Collection - Jan 2016...

Loc: Malaysia
Date: Jan 2016
Note: Happy Birding ALL......

199 606
++ hits & counting...

Crimson-breasted flowerpecker (Prionochilus percussus) - Male /
 Burung Sepah Puteri Pelangi - Jantan

Black-headed bulbul (Pycnonotus atriceps)

 Rufous woodpecker, (Micropternus brachyurus) /
Burung Belatok Biji Nangka

Crimson-breasted flowerpecker (Prionochilus percussus) - Male /
 Burung Sepah Puteri Pelangi - Jantan

Red-eyed Bulbul /
Burung Merbah Mata Merah

Lesser green leafbird (Chloropsis cyanopogon) Male -
Burung Daun Kecil Jantan

Orange-bellied flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma) - Male /
Burung Sepah Puteri Bukit - Jantan

 Scaly-breasted bulbul (Pycnonotus squamatus) /
Burung Merbah Bersisik

Asian fairy-bluebird (Irena puella) Male /
Burung Dendang Gajah Jantan
 Silver-eared Mesia ( Leiothrix argentauris) /
Burung Rimba Telinga Perak 

Black-throated sunbird. Aethopyga saturata Male -
Burung Kelicap Gunung - Jantan

Large Niltava (Niltava grandis) - Female /
Burung Sambar Kumbang Padi - Betina

Fire-tufted barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) -
Burung Takor Api.