
24 March 2011

Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)

                                                                                                                                             Loc - Semenyih Msia April 2011
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                                                                                                                               Loc - Semenyih Msia April 2011
This shrike is mainly brown on the upper parts and the tail is rounded. The black mask can be paler in winter and has a white brow over it. The underside is creamy with rufous flanks and belly. The wings are brown and lack any white mirror patches. Females have fine scalloping on the underside and the mask is dark brown and not as well marked as in the male. Subspecies lucionensis has a grey crown shading into the brown upperparts and the rump appears more rufous than the rest of the upperback
The nominate form breeds in northern Asia from Mongolia to Siberia and winters in South Asia, Myanmar and the Malay Peninsula. The race confususdescribed from the same region is not well marked but is said to have a wider white brow and paler upperparts and is sometimes included within the nominate population. 
The Brown Shrike is a migratory species and ringing studies show that they have a high fidelity to their wintering sites, returning to the same locations each winter.
They feed on mainly on insects, especially lepidoptera. They typically look out for prey from a perch and fly down towards the ground to capture them

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